Thursday, May 24, 2018

6 Hard Truths You Will Face When You Become a Nurse

It is true that the nursing experience had scarred me for life. I have helped the helpless thinking that if I give a lot of love around then I would also receive the same amount in return. But sadly, part of the career would also mean enduring treatments of ungratefulness from the people you have served. The profession will really push you to your limits and no matter how huge your efforts were to deliver the best nursing care to your patients, somehow, it is never enough. How I was treated by my patients and the company that I worked with seems to influence my view with my profession, changing it into a job that only pays the bills and not as a way of life. Eventually, I have reached a disordered way of looking at the profession. I am no longer seeing the real meaning of being a nurse and my perspective changed.

Saturday, May 12, 2018


Vitamins are also known as supplements. Nowadays, one can get many types of vitamins as well as herbs in capsules or tablets from the pharmacies, clinics or even the supermarket. There are basically two types of vitamins : natural and synthetic. The latter is manufactured in laboratories whereas the former is extracted from natural sources. Supplements have become very popular since the last few decades both in the East and the West.

Roles and Functions of the Nurse